Wechat settings

Configure WeChat public number Here is also the setting of micromarket, if you open in The Micro-mail prompt WeChat login failure is also configured here

WeChat public number settings,
Basic configuration
Public Development Information
Developer ID (AppID) - wx4fcbfbe119d32535 Get filled in background
Developer Password (AppSecret) - Reset Gets Filled in Background
IP Whitelist Configuration - Server ip Address
Scan QR code to receive important notifications
Receive notifications
Server Address (URL) - Background Get Fill
Token (Token) - After Background Setting
Message plus decryption key (EncodingAESKey) - WeChat Gets Filled in Back
Public Number Settings
Web site authorization to obtain basic information about users
Feature settings
Business domain:www.shopsuite.cn
Set up
JS Interface Security Domain Name:www.shopsuite.cn
Set up
Web-authorized domain names:www.shopsuite.cn
After the above configuration is complete, WeChat pay attention to the link to replace the domain name with their own website domain name, other unchanged. Access weChat In the browser to follow the connection input box within the URL automatically generatePC home page concern our public number QR code.

文档更新时间: 2021-02-02 11:41   作者:随商阿辉