Install aaPanel to Check out the website below:
The aaPanel management tool is recommended for convenience.

Centos System

Install nginx1.16+mysql5.6+php5.6+Memcached1.5.
log on aaPanel, Software mall.

After installation, you need to install the PHP extension zendguardloader + Memcache. All the disabled functions can be deleted.

Complete the environment installation.
nginx configuration add a H5 configuration.

location /h5/ {
            try_files $uri $uri/ @router;#需要指向下面的@router否则会出现vue的路由在nginx中刷新出现404
            index  index.html index.htm;
        location @router {
            rewrite ^.*$ /h5/index.html last;

Attention:If the installation is unsuccessful, you can check the error log and log location:install/data/logs.
sql Error reporting can be solved by modifying MySQL configuration,Close the strict mode of MySQL and modify the parameters of SQL mode. Refer to the online tutorial for details, and restart MySQL after modification.

There is a slight difference in Windows system

Install nginx 1.17 + MySQL 10.1.21-mariadb + php-5.4 + memcached 1.4.4
Landing aapaenl, software mall.

After installation, you need to install the PHP extension zendguardloader + Memcache. All the disabled functions can be deleted.

Complete the environment installation.

The code of mall is divided into two packages,libraries and sutesho.

The website directory points to the directory where the two files are located, and the domain name running directory points to suteshop.

nginx configuration needs to add a H5 configuration.

location /h5/ {
            try_files $uri $uri/ @router;#需要指向下面的@router否则会出现vue的路由在nginx中刷新出现404
            index  index.html index.htm;
        location @router {
            rewrite ^.*$ /h5/index.html last;


1、Create a good database first.
2、Type domain name /install Eg: Follow the instructions to install. Done.

Attention:If the installation is not successful, you can check the error log, log location: Install / data / logs. SQL error can be solved by modifying the configuration of MySQL, closing the strict mode of MySQL and modifying the parameters of SQL mode. Refer to the online tutorial for details, and restart MySQL after modification.

文档更新时间: 2021-02-01 18:17   作者:随商信息技术(上海)有限公司