Add product

Select product classification - fill in the product information. Each product must have a default display specification.

  1. Commodity classification: the commodity classification selected in the previous step can be changed
  2. Commodity type: the entity type and the virtual type can be selected, depending on the product.
  3. Auxiliary attribute: multiple options
  4. Product specifications: the platform can set the optional specification attributes, and the merchants can also add them by themselves. Different color types and specifications can upload different product maps. You can set the default display, which is mainly reflected in the display of commodity list. Set as the default display specification, the product list page will display the specification. * *
    Note: the added specification value cannot contain the word: specification. System filter protection.
  5. Product Name: trade name, the number of words is limited to 60
  6. Unit of measurement: single choice
  7. Product label: multiple choices are allowed
  8. Selling point: within 150 words
  9. Main map of commodity: one (800X800) picture: four (800X800), the mobile display will be adaptive
  10. Classification of the store: the classification of goods in the store set by the merchant
  11. Logistics setting: set the good luck template (freight template setting) in advance and select it directly.
  12. Set selling time
  13. Product Description: write product details (picture width 800, height unlimited), mobile display will be adaptive
  14. Specification parameter: write specification parameter
  15. After sales service: the after-sales service content is only displayed on the applet side
文档更新时间: 2021-02-02 16:11   作者:随商信息技术(上海)有限公司